Memorials & Tributes

Memorials & Tributes

A gift to the Las Vegas Area Council Memorial / Tribute Fund is a thoughtful way to express respect and sincere affection for a loved one, admired peer or acquaintance, or an organization.

Memorial Gifts may be made to honor the departed’s appreciation for the Scouting program or their service to the movement. Many families choose to request donations to the Las Vegas Area Council Memorial Fund in lieu of flowers to honor their loved one with a lasting investment in Scouting.

Leave your Legacy at the Donald W Reynolds Center or Jeff & Cynthia Shaw Eagle Scout Plaza.

Click on the following links to learn more about making a donation and receiving a brick in one of our two plazas.

DWR Scouting Resource Center Endowment Brochure

Engelstad Scout Park Endowment Brochure

Tribute Gifts may be made to congratulate an individual on a personal milestone or achievement, such as an anniversary, receipt of an award, or a graduation. Tribute gifts may also be made to acknowledge the good work of an organization or club.

When a Memorial or Tribute Gift is made, the Las Vegas Area Council sends a personal letter to the family of the departed or to the individual or group being honored to let them know that a gift has been made to Scouting in their honor.

For more information at